Physiotherapy or
Myotherapy – which
should I choose?
Physiotherapy or Myotherapy – which should I choose?
Physiotherapy or
Myotherapy – which
should I choose?
27 MAY 2021
A common question that we are asked on a regular
basis is: Do I need a Physiotherapy treatment or a
Myotherapy/Massage session? So, we’ll try to answer
this as simply as possible below: Generally speaking,
you would see a Physiotherapist if you had an acute or
chronic musculoskeletal injury, or pain.
A common question that we are asked on a regular basis is: Do I need a Physiotherapy treatment or a Myotherapy/Massage session? So, we’ll try to answer this as simply as possible below: Generally speaking, you would see a Physiotherapist if you had an acute or chronic musculoskeletal injury, or pain.