Infographic explaining that private health insurance can be used for physiotherapy services.
Infographic explaining that private health insurance can be used for physiotherapy services.

Don’t let your health insurance go to waste!!

So it’s that time of year again where we like to remind you to use up your health insurance extras – if you have any left that is! The majority of private health funds extras benefits are renewed each year on 1 January, so if you or your family members have not yet claimed your extras for Physiotherapy, Remedial Massage or Myotherapy treatment, you have until 31 December to do so before they’re lost!

*** Please note: we will be open over the Christmas/New Year break although we are closed on the public holidays ***

We make it super easy for you to claim your extras at our practice, you just swipe your card & pay the gap. Call us on (03) 9873 3333 to make your appointment today!

Don't let your health insurance go to waste!
Don’t let your health insurance go to waste!