I read a great post online this week in regards to how to best maintain and heat your wheat bag which I thought was really relevant at the moment as it’s currently so cold in Melbourne! Wheat bags are great however they can become really dangerous when not heated or looked after properly.
Excerpt from the CFA South West Facebook page:
Many people like to use therapeutic wheat bags for the relief of various types of muscular, back and arthritic pains. Wheat bags are usually made of fabric filled with wheat or other grains.
They can be heated in the microwave until they reach a desired temperature (according to the manufacturer’s instructions).
Investigations into therapeutic wheat bags have revealed that the wheat can ignite during heating and when used as a warmer in bed. Constant use can result in the reduction of the moisture content of the wheat, causing it to overheat. This can result in a fire or burns.
The following are some safety hints when using therapeutic wheat bags:
• Only purchase bags which have an information sheet, which clearly states how to
use the item.
• Read and follow manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
• Do not overheat the wheat bag, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
• When heating the wheat bag, some manufacturers recommend placing a glass of water in the microwave to prevent wheat from drying out
• Do not use wheat bags as a bed warmer.
• Never use wheat bags while you are in bed in case you fall asleep while using them.
• Always remain in attendance when heating the bag.
• Watch for signs of over use, e.g. cooking or burning odours, charring of the bag. If these signs are present dispose of the bag after it has cooled down.
• Do not store away until the wheat bag is cold. Always leave the wheat bag to cool on a non-combustible surface.
• People who make the bags should include an information sheet which provides a method for the use of the bags. When making the bags, it would be preferable to use flame retardant materials. Never use rubber or plastic backed materials.
• Avoid using wheat which contains dust.
• Check the life of the heat pack according to manufacturer’s instructions.
If pains and discomfort persist, why not consider talking to one of our friendly team on (03) 9873 3333 to discuss treatments specific to your needs?