Young beautiful woman enjoying back and shouders massage
Young beautiful woman enjoying back and shouders massage

4 Things You Should Not Do After a Remedial Massage

Lingering pain, a stress-induced headache, reduced range of motion – all these symptoms (and many more) are constant, unfortunate realities for individuals nationwide. Thankfully, options are available to provide relief and relaxation through remedial massage. 

To maximise the benefits offered by your remedial massage therapist, there are a few things you should do – and NOT do – after your appointment is complete. From avoiding alcohol to even delaying your time to showering, you’ll be surprised how much you can improve your experience with just a few simple choices.

In this article, our specialists at BodyMotion Physiotherapy will explore a range of things you should avoid after a remedial massage.

What is a Remedial Massage and the Benefits Offered by Your Therapist?

Remedial massage is a therapeutic, hands-on treatment targeting damaged, knotted, tense, or immobile muscles, aiming to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. Techniques may vary in intensity, from deep to gentle, depending on the injury or desired outcome. 

A remedial massage therapist will possess advanced knowledge of anatomy and physiology, allowing them to effectively prevent and manage injuries, especially those involving soft tissues. These therapists are skilled in assessing, observing, and crafting individualised treatment plans for clients, often working alongside other health professionals to provide comprehensive care.

Remedial Massage Benefits:

  • Increases Joint Motion Range: Improves joint mobility by targeting surrounding muscles.
  • Relieves Neck and Shoulder Tension: Particularly beneficial for individuals with poor posture, office workers, or frequent computer users.
  • Releases Tight and Overworked Muscles: Reduces muscle spasms and assists in tissue regeneration.
  • Manages Pain: Alleviates pain associated with both acute injuries and chronic conditions.
  • Treats Various Health Disorders: Effective for sporting injuries, arthritis, muscle cramps, whiplash, frozen shoulder, insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, and disabilities like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and muscular atrophy.
  • Encourages Blood Flow: Stimulates circulation, aiding in the healing process and tissue repair.
  • Relieves Tight Muscles: Techniques used to elongate abnormally tight muscles and break down adhesions or scar tissues formed post-injury.
  • Reduces Stress: Decreases cortisol levels while increasing serotonin and dopamine levels, promoting relaxation and pain relief.

What to Avoid After a Remedial Massage to Obtain the Most Benefits

1. ‘Can I Drink Alcohol After a Massage?’

Massage and alcohol effects do not mix. 

Consuming alcohol after a massage may cause your body to rapidly dehydrate, making you feel lightheaded, disorientated and even giving you a serious headache. 

It will also work to counteract some of the key benefits you would otherwise experience from visiting a remedial massage therapist, including increased blood circulation and reduced muscle tension. 

Always avoid any beverage containing alcohol for up to twelve to twenty-four hours after your appointment to avoid the literal and figurative headache that comes with it. 

2. ‘Can I Eat After a Massage?’ 

While you will obviously need to eat at some point after seeing a remedial massage therapist, it is important to consider that your digestive system will be working in an accelerated state. If you suddenly consume large amounts of food, you can inadvertently place your digestive system under a lot of strain, making you feel tired and fatigued. 

Try to limit yourself to light meals or snacks to get the full benefits of your appointment. 

Some forms of remedial massage can cause you to work up something of an appetite, so if you like to eat after a massage, sticking to healthy, low-density options can help your recovery. It’s also a good idea to choose foods high in antioxidants and fibre to combat inflammation, digestive issues and replenish with electrolytes such as coconut water, lemon water etc. 

Some people can also have a toxin response where they feel nauseas from their lymph working at an accelerated rate after treatment (which is what we want as it’s getting rid of toxins!). So, if feeling nauseous perhaps add a complex starch to the fiber and antioxidants meal such as rice, potato or quiona

3. ‘Is Showering After a Massage Okay?’ 

Showering after a massage can compromise how your body adjusts to your session with a massage therapist. 

High water temperatures can cause your muscles to tense, which directly contradicts the purpose of a remedial massage. Hot baths and showers can also make you more dehydrated in the same way that alcohol and coffee can and increase the risk of a headache after a massage. As a rule of thumb, always wait at least one or two hours before venturing into the shower after your appointment. 

4. ‘Are Coffee and Massage a Good Mix?’

Many of us enjoy indulging in the daily coffee run, but much like alcohol, the coffee and massage combination is a definite no-no. 

While it may be tempting to seek that burst of energy coming from a caffeinated drink following a remedial massage, you may end up experiencing the reverse effect, with a nasty headache to boot. 

The massage is meant to provide you with benefits like a feeling of relaxation and improved circulation, but introducing caffeine into your system will reduce these benefits dramatically. Always wait a few hours before you indulge in a tea or coffee following your appointment, just to be safe. 

Alternatively, one of the best tips to feel the full benefits of your appointment is to drink plenty of water after your massage. Doing so will help flush out toxins, keep you hydrated and reduce inflammation. Increased hydration helps to further the feeling of relaxation and can even help with managing aches and pains. It will also help stave off effects like headache and fatigue caused by other beverages like coffee and alcohol. 

Discover the Benefits of Remedial Massage with Body Motion Physio 

Our remedial massage therapists at Body Motion Physio provide a holistic treatment that benefits a variety of concerns you may be experiencing, from strained muscles to a persistent stress headache. 

Both highly trained and experienced, every remedial massage therapist on our team can provide you with a variety of techniques and solutions to not only address any current problems, but also accelerate the healing process and promote positive strategies for your future physical wellbeing.

To learn more about how you can enjoy the benefits of remedial massage with one of our therapists, contact our Body Motion Physio team today or submit an online enquiry, and we will get back to you as soon as possible with all the relevant information.